Thursday, July 28, 2011

Adobe Media Encoder CS5 - No audio

I have had a unique problem recently where my Adobe Media Encoder (CS4 and CS5) would not encode the audio on a movie.  There were no error messages - there was just no sound.  Examining the resulting FLV file in Audacity showed that there was an audio track with a waveform, however Adobe Media Player and VLC Player would not play the audio.

After much trial and error, I was able to identify the following fix:

  1. Make sure that the video you want to render as an FLV is located on your hard drive.
  2. From the Start menu select Run.
  3. In the Open field, type "msconfig" then click OK.
  4. From the General tab, select "Diagnostic Startup" then click the "OK" button.
  5. At the prompt, select "Restart".
  6. Once your PC has restarted, run AME and encode the video you saved on your hard drive.
  7. Repeat steps 1-5, except select "Normal Startup" instead of "Diagnostic Startup".
Your Adobe Media Encoder should now work correctly.

As far as I can tell, this fix seems to work when using a PC where your Windows profile is stored on a network share.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Actionscript compile error - attempted access of inaccessible method through a reference with static type

If you are sure that the class and method that generated this error are all marked as public a simple publish settings change may help to fix the problem.  In the Publish Settings, select the Flash tab.  Then check the Export SWC option.  Then publish your SWF.  The error should be gone.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The dreaded "itunes was unable to load provider data from sync services" error

iTunes users (as at version on a network behind an internet proxy requiring a username and password to connect to the internet might get this error when they attempt to synchronise in iTunes. 
The error occurs because iTunes tries to access the internet to load data - and it does not correctly pass your login details to the proxy.  The good news is that there is a very simple work-around.

In iTunes, select the "iTunes Store" option in the left panel.  You will be asked for your proxy username and password.  Enter your details, and select the "Remember password" box.  Click the OK button.  This saves your details in iTunes for the duration of your current iTunes session.

Re-run your sync, and all should work correctly.  The only problem is that you will need to do this each time you restart iTunes.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Getting database activity in a Java agent - Part 1

So you have a requirement to access the user activity log for a database through a Java agent?  The first thing you will discover is that there is no way to access this information through the standard Domino object model.  However, all is not lost - this information can be accessed using the Domino C API.  You just need to code a link between your Java agent and the C API.  This article is the first in a series describing the steps required to create this link.

The easiest way to call a native shared library in a Java agent is using JNA (  JNA is a Java library that allows Java programs to easily access native shared libraries (DLLs on Windows machines).  The only drawback to its use is that JNA requires a JAR file to be present on the machine on which you wish to run the Java agent (ie. the client for a client side agent or the server for a server side agent).  For the purposes of this article, I will assume that you are creating a server-side Java agent.  In addition, I have assumed that you are running a Windows based server - those running other operating systems will need to translate folder structures/syntax as required.

To install JNA on the server, you will need to download the latest release JAR file from the JNA homepage.  You will need the jna.jar file.  Download this file.  It will need to be copied to the folder <Domino Path>/jvm/lib/ext on your server where <Domino Path> is the path to the Domino installation.  Domino automatically searches this folder for JAR files to include when running Java agents - you will need to restart the HTTP task on the server to load the new JAR file.

You will also need to copy a version of the file to your local machine. You will reference this version of the file when compiling your Java agents in the Domino designer - ensuring you do not get any nasty compile messages when you reference the JNA objects.  Place the JAR file in the <Domino Path>/jvm/lib/ext on your machine where <Domino Path> is the path to the Domino installation.

You are now ready to begin the development of your new agent.  In the Domino designer, create a new Java agent.  From the Project menu, select the Properties option.  In the properties window, click the Java Build Path option.  This opens the Java Build Path window shown in Figure 1 below.

Figure 1 - The Java Build Path window

Select the Libraries tab, then click the Add External JARS... button.  Browse to and select the jna.jar file you copied to your development machine.  Click the OK button to save your change to the build path.

The key to JNA is to define a Java interface that converts the native library call signatures to Java interface methods.  The JNA library provides some helpful classes for defining these interfaces.  If you are interested in the process of defining the interface, the JNA documentation has a good overview here.  The key to the interface definition is that it inherits from the JNA StdCallLibrary class - this will be vital for linking the interface to the Windows API. 

The interface that defines all of the C structures and methods you will require to retrieve a database's user activity log is this:
import com.sun.jna.*;
import com.sun.jna.ptr.*;
import com.sun.jna.win32.*;

public interface NNotes extends StdCallLibrary {
public class TimeDate extends Structure {
public int innards1;
public int innards2;

public class DBActivity extends Structure {
public static class ByReference extends DBActivity implements Structure.ByReference {}

public TimeDate First;
public TimeDate Last;
public int Uses;
public int Reads;
public int Writes;
public int PrevDayUses;
public int PrevDayReads;
public int PrevDayWrites;
public int PrevWeekUses;
public int PrevWeekReads;
public int PrevWeekWrites;
public int PrevMonthUses;
public int PrevMonthReads;
public int PrevMonthWrites;

public class DBActivity_Entry extends Structure {
public TimeDate Time;
public short Reads;
public short Writes;
public int UserNameOffset;

public DBActivity_Entry() {}

public DBActivity_Entry(Pointer pointer) {

// Read the values

short ConvertTIMEDATEToText(IntByReference IntlFormat, IntByReference TextFormat, Pointer InputTime, Pointer retTextBuffer, short TextBufferLength, ShortByReference retTextLength);
short NSFDbOpen(String dbName, IntByReference dbHhandle);
short NSFDbClose(IntByReference dbHandle);
short NSFDbGetUserActivity(int dbHandle, int Flags, DBActivity.ByReference retDbActivity, IntByReference rethUserInfo, ShortByReference retUserCount);
Pointer OSLockObject(int Handle);
short OSUnlockObject(int Handle);
Once you have defined the interface, you can begin writing the agent.  In part 2 of this article, I will describe the steps required to retrieve the database activity.